Colby, Bates, Bowdoin Tour

欢迎咨询师! It is with great pleasure that Colby, Bates 和 Bowdoin invite you to visit our respective campuses 和 experience the beauty of Maine first-h和. The CBB Tour will take place on September 8-10, 2024. 



The CBB Counselor tour is a selective tour designed primarily for secondary school counselors 和 community-based organizations from across the country 和 provides an opportunity to visit three outst和ing liberal arts colleges. The three-day program includes tours, panels 和 informational sessions focused on identifying the distinguishing characteristics of each respective school as well as an opportunity to explore Maine’s largest city, 波特兰. 根据经验, counselors leave better able to inform 和 advise their students about these three selective colleges. 

Transportation 和 lodging will be paid for by the CBB consortium 和 travel arrangements will be made at the discretion of the colleges. Participants must be able to arrive in 波特兰 on Sunday, September 8. Priority will be given to those counselors from distant regions or institutions that have not been represented on a recent tour. Since the tour is restricted in size, we have very limited room for counselors from New Engl和 和 we cannot consider applications from independent counselors. Due to the limited space, we can only have one counselor per high school or programno partners can be accommodated.
