
成立于1998年, today’s eight 大学的房子 are a cornerstone of the Bowdoin residential experience. Sometimes referred to as the “living rooms” of campus, the houses sponsor special meals, 研究了, and other events for first-year affiliates. They also host campus-wide events from lectures and film screenings to off campus trips and social gatherings. Each College House is comprised of 20-30 members and is led 由六个人组成的小组, five elected 委员会领导人 and a House Proctor employed by 住宅生活.

An image of one of Bowdoin's eight 大学的房子, Boody-Johnson.

House residents are selected through an application process with input from faculty, 院长, 学生, 和工作人员. Successful selection is based on creative programming ideas and willingness to contribute to an energetic, 合作的团队. All College House members gain leadership skills that often propel them to other highly visible leadership roles at the College. Once selected into a College House, 学生 can choose to run for a 委员会领导人hip role to develop their skills further. There is no shortage of support for these leaders; the residential life directors, 院长 in the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, and faculty 和工作人员 advisors all serve as supports for the 大学的房子.


Year after year, 大学的房子 enrich our campus community with a diverse offering of programs. 这些项目, 由学院资助, serve both academic and social purposes to help create a complete experience for the Bowdoin community. Examples of campus-wide programs include collaborations with local libraries, cultural celebrations with affinity groups, or a Thanksgiving dinner for 学生 who stay on campus during breaks. House members develop and coordinate all aspects of these programs, providing them an opportunity to expand their learning and skills outside of the classroom. 的房子 are also spaces where outside programming finds a home, whether a club needs a meeting space or an academic department wants a cozy environment for a speaker. If you are interested in programming with a College House, please contact one of the 委员会领导人 found at the link below.


The active participation of faculty 和工作人员 in the College House system is vital to the system's success and to the College's overall mission. Each house has two 教师 and 工作人员 advisors to support them throughout their year. 教师-College House engagement helps to integrate the academic and social spheres of the College as described in the Commission on 住宅生活's Interim Report. 教师 engage with the 大学的房子 through many Kurtz fund-sponsored events and meals, join 学生 for debates and film screenings, and bring their families to events like House trick-or-treating, 去郊游, 和音乐会. 工作人员 members are also an important aspect of the College House System. 工作人员 advisors assist houses in engaging with other staff as well as help bring campus-wide initiatives, like the Women's Resource Center, 职业规划中心, 郊游俱乐部, 宗教和精神生活, Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, 退稿信中心, Gender Violence Prevention and Health Center, 进入学院宿舍. These faculty 和工作人员 also connect with individuals throughout the House system and help them develop their role as thoughtful leaders in the broader campus community.



All incoming first-year 学生 are affiliated with a College House based on their room in the first-year bricks. House members work hard to create connections with their affiliates and serve as peer mentors helping with their adjustment to campus life at Bowdoin. Affiliates are encouraged to participate in all College House events and have full access to the House, including to amenities like kitchens and programming spaces.


The Donald and Barbara Kurtz Fund, managed by the Office of 住宅生活, supports campus events that encourage learning and discussion outside the classroom and bring faculty, staff and 学生 together within the 大学的房子. Any member of the Houses can propose a program and request financial support from the Kurtz Fund to make it a reality.

Past and present programs include:

In previous years the Kurtz Fund has helped sponsor events with special guests including DeRay McKesson, 阿琳Saxonhouse, 肖恩达芬奇, 诺姆·乔姆斯基, Mike Rosen, 何塞·安东尼奥·巴尔加斯, 莫妮卡·古兹曼05年, 和《买球平台》.