
Key representatives of the College’s primary functional areas make up the Campus Emergency Management Team (CEMT). CEMT members and alternates meet regularly to prepare for any conceivable campus emergency, 审查事故处理计划, 与应急机构协调, 提供培训, 并进行年度应急演习. The CEMT is structured in accordance with the principles of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). 


  • Seriously impair or halt the operations of the college; or
  • Result in mass casualties or extensive property damage; or
  • 对校园、社区或地理区域产生重大影响.

Examples of potentially disastrous circumstances could include a major storm, 大火灾或爆炸, 化学物质释放, 长期的公用事业故障, 暴力或恐怖主义行为, 或者是流行病.

The Bowdoin College Campus Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) is reviewed and updated regularly, and exercises are conducted each year to test the College’s emergency preparedness and response measures. The CEMP conforms with the recommendations of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 并与当地的平行努力相协调, 县, 以及州应急响应机构. 该计划的主要组成部分包括:

  • Preventative measures designed to protect the overall safety of the campus community;
  • Phased decision-making guidance based upon real-time reporting at the inter国家, 国家, 区域, 状态, 地方层面;
  • 尽快恢复并恢复正常工作.

SURVIVING AN ACTIVE SHOOTER situation on a college campus requires a clear understanding of what to do and quick decision-making. 以下是一些必要的步骤:

  1. 运行如果你可以安全地这样做,逃离射手的位置. 心中有一条逃生路线,把你的东西留下. 保持双手可见,远离枪声.
  2. 隐藏如果你跑不了,那就找个地方躲起来. 走进一个房间或办公室, 把门锁上或堵住门, 关灯, 远离Windows. 把手机调成静音,保持安静.
  3. 保持低姿态,保持静止: If you are hiding and unable to escape, crouch low to the ground to make yourself a smaller target. 避免制造噪音或让别人注意到你的位置.
  4. 无声的交流如果你和别人躲在一起, communicate silently and keep one person designated to call for help if possible.
  5. 不要开门: Do not open the door for anyone, even if they claim to be law enforcement. 在有枪手的情况下, law enforcement will use other means to enter the area and ensure your safety.
  6. 战斗是最后的手段: If the shooter enters your location and your life is in imminent danger, 做好最后反击的准备. 与他人合作,使用任何可用的简易武器.
  7. 寻求帮助: If you can do so safely, call 911 or campus security to report the situation. Provide as much information as possible about the shooter's location, 外观, 还有武器的数量.
  8. 遵守执法部门的指示: When law enforcement arrives, keep your hands visible, and follow their instructions carefully. 他们可能在寻找枪手, and it's essential not to do anything that may be perceived as a threat.

记住,每个活跃枪手的情况都是不同的, 没有放之四海而皆准的应对措施. 保持冷静, 思维很快, and making sound decisions can significantly increase your chances of survival. Being familiar with your campus and its safety procedures in advance can also help you react more effectively during an emergency.

作为买球平台社区的一员, you are integral to the College's preparedness and ability to 回复 any campus emergency we can reasonably anticipate.

我们准备好了吗?? No. 我们能做好充分的准备吗? No. 尽管做了详尽的计划和准备, 没有大学校园, 公司, 或者政府永远无法为任何可能发生的事情做好充分的准备. 想想9-11, 卡特里娜飓风, 墨西哥湾漏油事件, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, or the major snowstorm that hit Buffalo - just to name a few of the most memorable crises in recent years.

回顾任何重大事件或灾难响应, 有些事情出了问题, 有些事情进展顺利, 我为下一个项目学到了很多东西. 我们不断学习,不断磨练,不断进步.

It's not the nature of most emergencies to be predictable and orderly. 事实上,紧急情况经常让我们措手不及. 它们很突然, 混乱的, 有时候暴力, and rarely come at a convenient time when all necessary personnel and resources are at hand. 例如主动射击游戏, 灾难性的火灾, or an explosion; situations that call for an immediate emergency services response to neutralize the threat.

其他类型的紧急情况给我们时间准备. We can see them coming and can plan accordingly to take preventative action to 减轻 harm. 想想流行病或天气紧急情况. These situations may require a sustained response over many days, weeks, or even months.

没有两次紧急情况是相同的. 有多个变量. That's why Bowdoin College takes an all-hazards 应用程序roach with its Campus Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and has specific Incident Action Plans (IAPs) for the most likely scenarios; plans that are flexible to adapt to changing conditions.

所有计划都经过定期审查和修订, based on what we learn from our own and others' actual experiences and practice drills. The bottom line is this: We cannot allow ourselves to become complacent or overly comfortable with ourselves and our emergency response capabilities.

Bowdoin is fortunate to be ideally situated for a prompt and effective emergency response by highly trained professionals. 不伦瑞克警方, 火, 紧急医疗服务训练有素,近在咫尺, 我们定期与他们进行协调和培训. 我们还得到了治安部门和州警察的支持, 缅因州紧急事务管理局(MEMA), 联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA), 如果需要.

We have excellent campus and community health services to help us cope with most emergencies: a full-service hospital and walk-in clinic nearby, 还有一个校园健康中心.

我们地区的交通基础设施令人羡慕. 我们很容易到达1号公路/ 95号州际公路走廊, 巴士服务和客运铁路终点站就在我们家门口, and just one mile away an airport with a runway long enough to land large planes.

Our campus buildings are built strong with life-safety systems and access control. 校园里有不间断的安全巡逻, 24小时安全通讯中心, 无数生命安全和安全警报, 健壮和冗余的IT基础设施, 广泛的应急发电机能力, 还有大量的监控摄像头.

提醒我们的社会, the College uses a multi-facited emergency mass notification system (App Armor and Alertus) - designed for speed-to-notification - 通过电话同时发送紧急消息, 电子邮件, 文本, 电脑屏幕接管, 对于 BowdoinSAFE 应用程序. 使用这个系统, the College will keep you informed and updated throughout the emergency and advise you when the campus has been made safe.

为了您的安全,请采取合理的预防措施. The people who most calmly and effectively 回复 emergency situations have done two things: they imagined what could h应用程序en and they prepared, 从而减少被混淆的可能性, 冻结, 或者是一时的恐慌. They have thought it through and made a simple plan (with fellow employees or students) so they know their options, 去哪里, 做什么,怎么做.

彻底了解你经常使用的建筑和空间, 知道你的避风港在哪里, 知道如何保护你的房子或房间, 了解你的疏散路线. 简而言之, know how to find safety either by sheltering-in-place or by putting maximum distance between yourself and the threat.

校园和社区的安全是我们共同的责任. 时刻保持警惕. 如果你看到或感觉到什么不对劲,就说出来. 通常, there are pre-incident indicators or warning signs that an act of violence is about to h应用程序en. If you see concerning behavior, threats, aggression, or anything suspicious, please report it

Prepare yourself, be confident, and have confidence in the College's level of preparedness. 请放心, 与布伦瑞克镇合作, 我们已经做好了准备,并且每天都在做更多的准备来预防, 回复, 减轻, 从校园突发事件中迅速恢复.


How to Survive an Active Shooter - Clint Emerson, Retired Navy Seal